In Full Bloom

Naomi’s Annual “Appearance” On Mr. Bill’s Radio Show

Oh No Mr. Bill!

On Wednesday (9-1-2010) at noon EST, I’ll be doing my third annual guest “appearance” on Bill Kutik’s Radio Show, which is very generously sponsored by Knowledge Infusion.  I always look forward to doing these shows because Bill’s a great interviewer, the long tale of replays is enormous, and getting ready to be pithy and ready for Bill’s questions forces me to a clarity of thinking that ups my game.   

No one is ever sure what we’ll discuss, including Bill and me, but I’m sure we’ll hit on some of the most important topics facing our industry.  What about the absolute sea change that’s underway in HRM software (really in all applications software) from single tenant, licensed on-premise to multi-tenant, subscribed and hosted software?  Which vendors will be the winners, and who will end up in one of the growing software graveyards?  And what about the HR profession?  After so many years of our collective best efforts, why are they still unable to draw a line of sight from what they do to the financial outcomes of the organization?  Is there a point at which the line of business leaders just take over strategic HRM?  We love naming names, but you’ll never know who they are if you don’t listen.   

I’m sure that we’ll take a few moments to kvell over the upcoming HR Technology Conference, which substitutes in Bill’s life for the physical children he never had (or at least doesn’t acknowledge).  If you can’t wait for the conference, join the conversation at the Conference’s LinkedIn group.  Or better yet, read everything on this blog and then quote my own mistakes to me at the Conference’s “Ask the Expert” session I’ll be hosting — but please don’t bring throwable fruit.   

But whatever else you’re up to over the next few days, please do join Bill and me for what feels to us like one of the many thousand such telephone chats we’ve done since we met.  The only difference will be that you are there.

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